They claim:
Draws both thick as well as thin lines with immaculate precision,enriched with nourishing waxes and ethereal oils,non-smear formula;waterproof,twist to open...twist to close with a convenient sharpener at the base of the pencil
PRODUCT PERFORMANCE: FM AUTOMATIC EYE PENCIL glides on smoothly to give a more defined look to the eyes.it doesn't smudge or smear and it stays put all day.can be used on the outer rim as well as the waterline
swatches of the two shades i purchased.left-carbon black,right-frozen grey(with camera flash)
I washed my hand right after this pic and the swatch didnt come off.it only came off when i used an eye makeup removerPRICE:
The products retails 950 naira here in Nigeria.That's about $5.9 and 3.8 pounds.its reasonably considering the fact that you get a ton
of product that could last for long time
PURCHASING: FM AUTOMATIC EYE PENCIL can be purchased from FM distributors all over the world.
OVERALL:The FM AUTOMATIC EYE PENCIL is a great product and it perfoms excellently well.the frozen gray shade doubles as a eye-widener for me.havent tried the carbon black a s a base for a smokey eye though but would let you know as soon as i do that
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