Thursday, July 15, 2010


A beauty regimen is a set of rules about caring for your face which you follow in
order to keep it healthy and prevent breakouts(more on that when you continue)
The basic beauty regimen is:

*Cleansing *Exfoliating *Toning* Moisturizing.

CLEANSING means washing the face with a facial cleanser

EXFOLIATING means the removal of dead skin cells from the skin, with the use of a facial mask or scrub.

TONING is making the facial muscles firmer, with the use of an Astringent.

An astringent is a substance that draws tissue together.

MOISTURIZING is applying cream to the face to prevent it from drying out.

Try this and you will enjoy a glowing complexion. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water as this helps to cleanse the body system.

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